Friday, April 15, 2011

FIRST giveaway winners

Auction Credit ($5)- Ashley Bennett Flower Package: Jessica Radecker Congrats ladies- Email to claim your prizes! I will have bigger and better giveaways next week!!! I WILL have an auction next week (with help from my best friend who is staying with me and helping me out with things during the day)!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

WORK, wOrK, work....

I have been doing SO much the last couple of days. Not only do I plan on having an auction this week- BUT I have orders like crazy, giveaways I want to do... AND a huge photoshoot I am planning for next month with all kinds of new things (details on how to get in on that soon) As far as the GIVEAWAY is going- I have one person, Ashley B, who definitely has the most entries. Thanks SO MUCH for sending people my way :) Remember- the giveaway ends Thursday night right before the auction! For more details see the GIVEAWAY INFO blog a couple posts back!! Now it is naptime for the kids which means more work time for me!! I have tons of exciting things planned for the summer- so stay tuned!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

Giveaway info!!!!

So- Since Mondays are just brutal (this one in particular) I am posting gieveaway info. This one is a bit different than the ones in the past.. There are a couple things you have to do in order to be considered for the giveaway-1. Follow this blog. 2. Post under the blog that you follow me and one good things about Doodlebug. 3. Refer ONE friend to Doodlebug. These all get you ONE entry!! So- THREE ways to enter this giveaway.. I HOPE to do one of these a week... Lets see how this one goes.. AND- I am assuming you want to know what this giveaway is for!!!!! I am going to giveaway TWO things.. Auction credit and a flower package..... 2 people will win (YAY) Giveaway ends Thursday night and will be announced right before the auction!! **I am working on some new things that I LOVE- as soon as I get my niece for the weekend- pics will be posted! So STAY TUNED!

First post disappeared.. Lets try it again

I spent an hour of my life writing my first blog entry only to delete is accidentally so I am going to attempt this again. Basically I introduced my kids (Brielle-7, Kaden-3, Rylee-2, Jaxon-3 months) and my niece Kaylee (7 months) I wont go thru all that again.. Instead I will talk about the purpose of my blog and what I hope to get out of it (and put into it) Firstly- I have been told by tons of people I should blog. Not only does Facebook have all these new ridiculous rules for business pages about no freebies/giveaways but maybe people care what I have to say??? I am going to give this some time.. See how/if this takes off, and see if I can fit it into my already crazy schedule balancing being a wife, Mom, and boutique owner with TONS to do already. Doodlebug started about 5 years ago in my apartment in Baton Rouge, LA. Basically my daughter was 3 at the time and I wanted bows to match EVERYTHING she owned and I was not paying $12 for one bow at the local boutique. So I taught myself to make some.. Got a plastic storage box for my ribbon- and starting making and selling on Ebay. When I moved to Slidell (the place I currently live) I named Doodlebug and worked my behind off spreading my name and learning how to do new things. There have been a ton of mistakes made, friends made and lost, and lessons learned. I don't think I would trade any of it. I have had MANY people copy my work, message and try to steal my customers, use things I asked them not to use to better themselves, etc. While this hurts- I guess it it a part of business- and I HATE that part. But I saw people for who they really were and became a better person through it all. This blog is STARTING off as a way for my customers to get some insight into the life of a crazy work at home mom. Maybe it will turn into something else.. No expectations, please :) For those of you who asked me to start this- I promise to try for a while.. You never know until you try :) I am sure I will post about Doodlebug as well ad my personal life so all my friends and family might get a laugh or two. ** Doodlebugs (like the name???) this will be where my giveaways will be posted..So follow the blog now so you can get in later.. I PLAN to have one this week!! Let me get back to life-woke up on this glorius Monday with a flat tire and broken a/c unit.. Too bad I can't pay the people who will be fixing these things in flower clips and dresses :)

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Ah- The first post was erased.. So I will be back tomorrow to repost!! :( Blogging is already NOT my friend!